
Check it twice...or once...or not at all

Is it hard for anyone else to come up with a Christmas List? I try to put it off until the last possible moment, sometimes I don't even make one. But this year, I'll at least throw a few things out into the cosmic void, and here they are:

Ear plugs (I use the Pink Lady brand-they work great)
Black socks (as long as they're black, I'm happy)
Thermal bottoms (last year I inadvertantly bought 2 tops, not very helpful)
Some sort of organization for my design equipment (it's taking over my drafting table)
A power drill
A scanner (if it's attached to a copier/printer, I wouldn't complain)
Architectural Digest Subscription
Wall Flower refills from Bath & Body Works (bear in mind that I am the one who will have to smell it)
New gym shoes

That was a whole lot harder to come up with than it used to be. 15 years ago, that would have been a piece of cake!


Jessica said...

What about peace on earth?

Anonymous said...

I'm clearly not a good enough person to hope for that..dang! Guess I'll have to work on that