I've had a number of people ask me what my days are like now that I have a new job, so to appease the masses (a girl can dream, right?) I shall break it down for you.
7:00am- The alarm goes off. Now usually by this point, I have been in a state of near-awakeness (I don't care that blogger says it isn't a word, it is. You heard it here first folks!) for anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour. A cruel joke my body likes to play on me.
7:55am- I leave the apartment and walk down to South Temple, where I catch the bus at...
8:06am- I don't know who decided that buses should come at such weird time intervals, but there you have it. Not 8:05, 8:06. About 2 stops after I am picked up, there is always this group of mothers who get on with their overly excited, sugared-up children who yell, scream, run around, and pull the cord for every stop but their own. The mothers get offended if you look at them or their children in a disapproving manner. Look out the window.
8:32am- Exit the public transportation unit and walk the rest of the way to work.
8:37am- Share awkward small talk (or even worse, NO talk) with people in the elevator.
8:45am- Settle into my cubicle. This involves opening my various programs needed for the processing of transcripts, checking e-mail, clocking in (except they still haven't figured out how to get my time card to work), plugging in headphones for later use, and ultimately figuring out where to start in the work load.
To give a quick overview, I deal with transcripts. People mail them, ship them, e-mail them, fax them and forge them. I get to open them, sort them, figure out who they belong to and if that person even has a record with us, print them, enter them into our database, scan them, rename them and file them (you're wishing you were me right about now huh?)
9:00am- If we weren't able to get through everything the previous day, that is where we start. This is typically renaming, which involves combining scanned files together and labeling them according to the student, their ID#, which transcript it is, and the school it is from. Highly exciting.
9:15am- Right about now is when I get a phone call from one of the Enrollment Counselors. One EC in particular has called me every single day (sometimes multiple times) looking for transcripts that he can't find (which usually we don't have in the first place)and who goes along his merry way when I tell him that the reason he doesn't see it, is because it's not there. (Profound, I know).
10:30am- I am in charge of all the transcripts that are faxed in (which requires going to 3 separate places to find them), and get countless people asking if they're in yet.
12:30pm- MAIL! Influx of transcripts. I get a handy-dandy letter opener, date stamp and staple puller and have my way with them.
1:45pm- Still playing with transcripts
2:30pm- Put a bandaid on a new papercut
3:50pm- Answer more transcript questions while entering other transcripts
4:30pm- Take the piles of freshly entered transcripts upstairs to the scanner.
5:00pm- Renaming (you'll remember this from earlier in the day)
5:30pm- Clock out and shut down.
UNLESS.......someone asks you 3 more questions right then, in which case...
That gets pushed back.
Board the bus home.
6:30pm- Sanctuary!
Glamorous? No.
I am a glorified paper pusher, but I am so happy to be there. I am appreciated, depended on, I have more than enough work to keep my occupied, and I have so many possibilities ahead of me, but more of that later, this has been a long post, and I'm sure I already lost most of you. Congrats for making it through Mom! I'm sure you're about the only one who did!
4 years ago
How DID you know!
Congrats on the new job. I will feel bad the next time I send transcripts anywhere.
Don't feel bad Annie, it gives people like me a job! :)
HA-HA! I made it to the end too!
I loved the post. I'm glad you like it.
I made it to the end too.
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