
I come fully equipped...

I am quite possibly the luckiest gal in this room! (yes, the one I am sitting in by my lonesome) I am the ecstatic owner of a new power drill!  It is black and orange and beautiful!  And it sits in my new tool box!  Which is black and yellow and beautiful...except where I can't get the sticker gunk to come off..that part is not so beautiful.

Upon opening my new tools Christmas morning, a short conversation similar to what follows may have taken place...

Mom: "Well with all those tools you're bound to attract a man"

Me: "Actually, I think I'm more bound to detract a man with all these tools"

Rebecca: "I'm inclined to agree with Lisa on this one"

Can't crack the male ego I guess....well, actually....this baby can drill through just about anything...bring it on!


Ashley said...

I LOVE this conversation.

Annie said...

Try nail polish remover on the gunk!

Jenelle said...

Or try "Goo Gone". You can buy it at stores like Target or Walmart most likely. Works like a charm! And it smells citrusy.