So remember when I said I had submitted my paper, and they had a good laugh at it and told me to redo it? Well, I did redo it, and it turned out to be a pretty nice paper...with the exception that they didn't like the visual aid I used, and was told in no uncertain terms to redo that as well. So, with the third time being a charm, after much painstaking (and tedious) work, they accepted my last ditch attempt at the sucker.
Then I went on to record myself reading it. I hate recording myself, but I loathe watching myself afterward (over and over and over to make sure it was right). I move my head too much when I talk, I flip my hair, I screw up my face and make exasperated noises when I mess up, and I really, really hate how the rest of the world hears my voice.
I did it. I recorded it and put it on the computer to edit everything together only to find out that...Bosco is giving me attitude and won't let me do anything. I can't edit my segments together, and I can't convert them into an acceptable form to put them into another editing program. Awesome.
I have a fabulous roommate who works for the church in the Audio Production department...meaning...she has access to handy dandy computers (and the boys who use them) and can convert the files for me while she's at work. Yay!
So after a busy day at work, and a brief showing at FHE (thanks to Janiece for spearheading that one for us!), I went home to tackle the task at hand. I edited everything the way I (sort of) wanted to, and then went to upload it to TaskStream (the program my school uses to submit online projects) and......nothing. It wouldn't load. At all.
GAH! Muttering and cursing! (yes, I know you taught me better than to curse, mom....sorry)
Again, Shannon came to my rescue (because I know virtually nothing about computers--which is one reason I could use a man in my life...though there are other, better reasons too) and after an hour and a half of frustration, I was able to submit everything.
All I have to say is...if they send it back saying it needs more work, I may break something.
4 years ago
good luck!
I got a perfect score! Woohoo!
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