
Hazy Shade of Winter

I think today worked out to being the shortest work-day I have put in up until now (barring sickness).  I worked a grand total of an hour and a half.  An hour and a half?  Why?  I'll tell you why....this person you know, who occasionally answers to the name of "Lisa", is crazy.  She will work almost 15 hour days without realizing quite how that affects her schedule for the rest of the week.  And while some people, given the option, would do that to ensure their weekend starts that much sooner, that is actually not why I do it.

While not (in my mind) technically a work-a-holic (there are many more things I would need to do in order to be classified that way), many people believe I have sunk into that classification.

I hate leaving a job unfinished, so if I can get things done on a certain day, I will!  Even if it means staying at work for 15 hours...man...that does kinda sound a bit pathetic.  But anyway, hopefully with my new job, my outlook will change a little bit since I won't be responsible for an entire department anymore, merely my own tasks (yay!).

Maybe this means I'll have more time to have a life...or do homework.  Homework will probably win, I've heard that having a life is overrated.

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