My desire to write has been at an all-time low. Clearly.
Contrary to what people may think, I do come onto my blog quite frequently, though more to read the blogs of others than to add a quaint tale about the goings on in my life, which is yet another statement of the obvious I am sure.
Well, since apparently I am racked with guilt over leaving my adoring fans (my humility knows no bounds) without a word for a considerable amount of time, I feel the need to lay down some excuses...though whether you accept them is up to you and will not bother me in the least.
Firstly, work has been, how shall I put this? Oh yes, insane. I have been working over time like it's going out of style. You would think I was an accountant at tax time...I guess this is tax time, so there you go. Work has frankly been taking over my life, so much so that I have been neglecting my school work too...don't get me wrong, I probably would have avoided doing school work even without the impending deadlines looming over me, but work provides a better excuse than my disdain for mathematics and economics.
Secondly, whenever I did have time where I could write something, I could never think of anything to write. Well, there are things I could write, but I couldn't think of fun or interesting ways to say them.
So as a quick rewind, here are some of the "highlights" (I use this term loosely) from my most recent past.
Nephew #14 arrived
My mom had crazy medical mania
A trip to Logan (prompted by the first 2 items on the list)
I purchased a few "new" old books
I had an incredibly low-key birthday which was fantastic
Started looking at new apartments--a bit too soon, our lease isn't up til April
Was an incredible success at being anti-social
Baby brother got a girlfriend (not really my news, but exciting nonetheless)
Made delightfully sassy valentines with friends
Listened to good music
Delved into the world of Veganism (no, I am NOT going exclusively vegan)
and worked some more
So yeah...THAT is why I haven't updated the world on my movements, they are less than exciting, but now you have your update, and I can say that I blogged this month, which is all I really wanted.
4 years ago
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