

Oh heavens!

We've (I've) been so bad about blogging since Christmas.  I've had good intentions, but it just never actually happened.  So here are some of the recent goings on...

Christmas!  Bruce and I spent our first Christmas as a married couple together, and it was so nice to just relax and start our own traditions.  Then we went to his parents' house for dinner and family presents, which was a lot of fun.

New Year!  We are not big party people, so New Years Eve for us consisted of a pizza, sparkling flavored water, and "Person of Interest".  We kissed at midnight, and then fell asleep.  We're highly exciting folks!

We took down all our Christmas stuff (with the exception of the Christmas lights in the windows and around my office), and I decided it was time for us to rearrange our living room furniture.  Bruce was very patient with me and my ever-changing layout schemes.  I really like our set-up now, it is much more open and easier to maneuver.

Last weekend we took our gingerbread house out and shot it with a shotgun, it was pretty crazy to see it just basically disappear into a haze of ginger-flavored dust.

Bruce had a guys' night last night, and I had a girls' night.  They played video games and ate stuff, we ate stuff and chatted, and for me, it was great to get to know some women better, I have a difficult time actually taking the time to make friends, so it was nice to get a group together to take the pressure off.

Well, now that the recap is over, maybe I'll be good again (or at least better than I have been).

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