After recently experiencing an...........interestingly awkward first date, and hearing stories from close friends of similar dating disaters, I have kindly decided to post some dating do's and don'ts. This is applicable to both male and female, as I'm sure that some of these things go both ways.
Be attentive to your date. This means actually paying attention to them (not checking out the waitstaff or the cute guy/girl at the next table). Actively listen to what they're saying, and pay attention to body language, if you're not paying attention to what we're saying, we know it.
Maintain eye contact. But don't stare. That makes us uncomfortable and awkward.
Plan your date out ahead of time. Try to avoid the whole, "What do you want to do?" thing. Decide on what to do, and do it. If things fall through, then you can ask for suggestions.
Meet in a public place for your first date. It is not only safer for a first date, it also offers distractions should conversation lag. Leave romantic settings for further down the road.
Act chivalrous. Men: This means opening the door for your date, pull out her chair, make sure she gets home safely. Ladies: This is only effective if you let him be chivalrous. Do not fight with his attempts at chivalry, allow him to see you home, let him open your door, it doesn't matter that you can open the door for yourself, it doesn't demean you in any way, it's merely gentlemanly.
Follow up with your date. Call or e-mail them to let them know you had a good time. This doesn't have to be a plea to see them again right away. It is a courtesy. If your date had a good time too, that's a bonus!
Crack jokes. Not only will this put them at ease, but it will let them know you have a sense of humor. This does not mean you should bust out the dirty joke your co-worker told you that day. Keep it clean.
Don't act distracted during a date. Turn off your cell phone, keep your eyes from wandering. Bad impressions are quickly formed when you take calls and answer texts while on a date.
Don't turn your date into a therapy session. Leave your stories about your past relationships, family skeletons, or whatever at home.
Don't act pretentious. Nobody is perfect, and nothing is more annoying than someone who acts like they are.
Don't make unwelcome physical advances. Read body language, if you can't read people's body language, learn. We will be sending signals all night long, so pay attention to them. If there is chemistry, aspects of a relationship should fall in to place naturally, do not force them.
Do not be afraid to end the date early. If things aren't working out, or you aren't feeling comfortable, feel free to end the date at any time.
4 years ago
This is the first time I've been on your blog. It made me happy to read it. Thanks for being such a happy down-to-earth person.
Thanks Em! You're so sweet!
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