Let's pretend that someone offered you the opportunity to go to Europe for a month. Expenses paid. Would you do it?
Of course you would!
You wouldn't hesitate for an instant!
I'm a hesitator. (is that even how you would spell that? I don't know...anyway...) I am one of those pro/con people, except that I don't generally write my pros and cons down. I don't dive into things without thinking. Weighing all the options. Another problem, is the fact that I do not plan things out very far in advance. Give me a week, maybe two, and you might be pushing it.
I am the eternal student, I work full-time, I strive for some semblance of normalcy in my day to day actions.
I sound like the ultimate "party pooper" right about now don't I?
Well, I will have you know that I am seriously considering it. So much so, that I have looked into getting my passport, I've discussed my taking time off of work with my boss, I'm not completely sold yet, but I'd say that I'm probably 90/10 right now. That's a lot of progress!
Yay for babysitting abroad! :)
4 years ago
i would go! last summer i spent three months in germany helping out my cousin with her three young children while her husband was in iraq. i met some amazing people that i cannot imagine not having in my life right now. the whole living with three kids and a mother thing was a bit rough, but seeing germany and meeting people was amazing.
Do it. I spent a few days in Germany this summer, and it is a very nice place. DO IT, DO IT! =)
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