
Come May, What?

I've done the rollercoaster of weight loss, I lose it, I gain it, I misplace it, I find it again, it's not my idea of a good time.

Anyway, I've been what I would say is fairly okay for the last year, 2010 was pretty decent in the weight arena, but then...I got stressed and I got lazy and I didn't think about the crap (yes, crap) that I was eating.

So...starting in May, I have decided to change a few things, and I feel like if I put it out there in the Universe, and not just in my noggin, I may actually stick to it a bit better.

I will plan out and make my meals--probably not ALL of them for everyday, but more than just grabbing the first thing I see.

I will not eat after 8:00pm unless I haven't had an actual meal since lunchtime.

I will reduce eating out to twice a month

I will only have sugar on special occasions--like birthdays, holidays and Wednesdays (just kidding!)

I will drink more water

I will walk to work--weather permitting

I will actually utilize the gym at work again

And most importantly, I will not compare myself to other people, and not beat myself up if I slip up on any one of these items...I think this one may be the hardest one.

1 comment:

Megan is Chuck. Chuck is Megan. said...

1) my birthday is in May. 2) my birthday is on wednesday in May.