
Find me a Hole

I'm done.  I am at capacity.  I can do no more.

The only problem is..I can't put anything else on hold.

I have an apartment that still looks like a war-zone, but I have very little desire to do anything about it.
I have school work that I am supposed to get done, but I have very little desire to do anything about it.
I was supposed to have a change occur at work, but they have very little desire to do anything about it.
I have a car I need to get licensed, but the DMV isn't open on the weekend, so I actually can't do anything about it.
I have encountered a company that is entirely unhelpful via phone or internet, so I cannot do anything about the issue I need to clear up with them either.
I have a bank account which constantly mocks me, and I want to throttle it, but can't find enough of anything to wrap my hands around to give it a proper thrashing.

The life of a hermit looks more and more appealing with each passing day.


Jannifer said...

Lisa, I'm pretty amazing at organizing apartments, since I moved often in college. Let me know if you need my help, which I'm happy to offer. :) Good luck with everything else!

Megan is Chuck. Chuck is Megan. said...

I hear you.