
Not High Yet

My neighbor smokes pot.

A lot of pot.

Most days the smell is pretty faint (yeah, it seeps into my apartment), but today when I got home from the Temple (yeah, I thought it was kind of appropriate too) I could barely breathe.  The smell was completely overwhelming and I became sick to my stomach.

Normally, my friends and I joke about the fact that I have the "fun" apartment where everyone feels really really happy all the time due to the second-hand pot, but tonight was definitely not such a night. The giddiness hasn't kicked in yet anyway...but then again, I set up the fan to disperse the nastiness.

The Good, The Bad, and The Pervy

Those of you who really know me (if you don't know me, I question why you're reading my blog in the first place...) know that I have a difficult relationship with online dating.  I've been on dating sites off and on for the last 4 years or so.  I sign up, get frustrated, cancel my account, and then sign up again, because quite frankly, if I didn't use online dating, I probably wouldn't date at all.

In fact, I can probably count on one hand the number of guys who have asked me out based off of real-world interactions...and still have fingers to spare.

I've had good experiences from online dating, a few relationships of varying lengths, fun dates, good conversation, hilarious conversations, etc...

But I have also had to deal with my fair share of sickos, perverts, and jerks. Which is why I generally cancel my subscriptions...that and I get tired of going out with people, having great chemistry, and a few weeks later they fall off the face of the Earth.  It's not so much that I care that they don't want to continue dating me, it's that we'll be talking just fine, and then conversations become less frequent, shorter, but not non-existent...so we both keep talking, but it's obvious that something is different.  And then they abruptly stop altogether.  We met on a dating site!  I know you date other people, as do I, I'd just appreciate a quick text saying, "Thanks, but no thanks", rather than dragging it out longer than necessary.

My current lament is the sheer number of and the complete brazenness of the perverts.  And may I mention that I am only on LDS dating sites?  Yeah...  It's disgusting, disturbing, and just plain awful.  It makes me want to quit the whole thing again, but as previously stated, I don't date people I meet in real life...or rather, they don't date me.

So I guess I have to keep weeding through the nastiness and hope I find something worthwhile.