
My Grail Quest

I know I talk about work a lot, but frankly, it takes up most of my daily life, so it's to be expected. Yesterday was not a good day at work. And I'm just going to leave it at that because I don't think I can run through that one again. Bad day.

I was talking to a friend of mine today, who got married last year and lives with her husband in the Murray area, she's a year older than me, and she's always told me how weird it is to consider herself old enough to be doing things like getting married and what not. She's not at the point where she wants kids yet, but while talking to her today, she mentioned that she and her husband were looking into buying a house. Completely natural, grown-up thing to do. It kinda threw me for a bit of a whirl, I realized that yes, people our age do buy houses, they do get married and have kids and have grown-up problems because, we're grown-ups. (I love how I say grown-ups like I'm 5 years old or something). I guess I missed the whole memo when I was growing up that it comes before you expect it. As a kid, I always was seen as older than I was, and it still happens to this day, and now I'm not really sure what to do with my adulthood. It's like going on a quest for the Holy Grail and finding it and going, "Okay, now what do I do with it?"

I'm taking a bunch of time off in May. I'm going to Portland to be with my sister after she has her twins, which means I'll be taking my first flight ever (yes my first, I am that lame that I am the age I am and haven't flown anywhere). I am excited to see her and her family, and also to spend some more time in Portland since it is ultimately the kind of area I would like to end up living in. The day my flight gets back from Portland, my roommate and I are flying out to California for a few days, we'll see her old haunts, where she went to school, her friend Sara, the beach, it's going to be great!


Take a vacation John, take a vacation

So I didn't set my alarm last night, which resulted in me waking up at the exact moment I was supposed to be at work (there's a first time for things like that, this was mine). While I was walking to work, one of my co-workers called my cell phone to tell me that my boss John had called work and wanted to talk to me (of course on the day I'm late). So the second I walked in the door, I went upstairs and called his cell phone...no answer, so I called his house...I woke up his wife Magdi (I felt really really bad) and asked to talk to John, at which time she informed me that he wasn't home, he was actually in the hospital. The Hospital? So she gave me the direct number to his room and I again apologized for waking her up. I called the number she gave me and heard John's voice on the other line, our conversation went something like this:

J: "Hello?"
L: "What are you doing in the hospital?"
J: "Who is this?"
L: "It's Lisa, what are you doing in the hospital?"
J: "The doctors thought I might have a blood clot in my lung so they kept me overnight."
L: "Are you okay?"
J: "Oh sure! So since I'm here, I might not be coming in today."
L: "Might not? How about absolutely are not."
J: "We'll see about that."

My boss seriously needs to learn to take a day off.


In my World

You know when your week is just going great, not too fast, not too slow, people are nice and everything just seems lovely? This is so not that week.

Do you ever forget what day it is? Or have a Tuesday feel like a Friday?

I do. Today is Friday, and I am actually not quite sure what day it feels like, but I can tell you it's not Friday.

This week has been so discombobulated and disjointed that it kinda hurts my noggin.

My boss had a hernia operation a week ago today, and being the insane man that he is, he has been coming in to work every day since. Oh, he looks like he's going to keel over at any second and the smile he wears is more like a grimace, but what can I say, he's my boss and he's nuts.

Although, one good thing about him coming in to work is that he finally realized how incredibly ridiculous it is that my co-workers call (or don't even bother to call) in sick at the very last moment and we're left holding the short end of the stick. This week we had 2 people call in which left us with 2 people to handle the entire restaurant on top of a group of 50 that we had in the back. Things like this happen all the time. And they shouldn't. So my boss went on the rampage and called the "repeat offenders" and pretty much told them what was what. They'll either be coming in, finding people to cover for them, or getting fired. The last option really wouldn't bother me for some of them, I must admit.

I talk about work too much. But I guess that is to be expected when you spend 40+ hours a week somewhere.

I would mention my aggravating design class, but that merely makes me mad, so I'll refrain.

I guess that's all for today.