
Smart Cookie

I have logged over 22 hours at work in the past 2 days.
I feel like I see my computer more than I see people.
After about the 10 hour mark, I get really restless and tired, but I push through.

Why do I push through?

Apparently it's so I can stay up late...on my computer...at home.

Sometimes I wonder about myself.  Then I sigh and shake my head.  There is no logic behind it, there is no sense.  And yet, here we are again.

Bed. NOW.


This one's for you...you know who you are

You put up with my crazy habits
Smile at my idiosyncrasies
Listen when I need to vent
Laugh with me, even when I'm not actually funny
Understand where the "crazy" comes from
Shake your head at my asinine comments
Stand up for me when I can't find the words
Encourage me to see things in a different way
Challenge my way of thinking
Finish my sentences

And still I manage to take you for granted and inadvertently say things that are hurtful, and sometimes just plain rude.  I am sorry.  I really am so grateful to have you as a key player in my psychotic game of life.  I'll be more aware of how the things I say make you feel next time.

This is for all those times.  All those times I was too stupid to apologize.  When I knew I'd hurt you, and said nothing.  This is for you.


A couple things that get me...

Walking through crunchy leaves
Talking with good friends
Organizational supplies
Seeing how happy old friends are to marry their best friends
Sleeping the perfect amount
Watching silly movies from childhood
Finding out my friends are pregnant!
Realizing my little brother has been on his mission for 1 year
Beautiful music composed by geniuses
Geeking out
Being able to be myself, and having people still like me....or at least still put up with me

Take that

I recently took some flack for being on E-Harmony.
We had a bunch of people over at our house for FHE on Monday, and someone asked me to elaborate on a Facebook status I had posted last week about my really, really short date (less than an hour).
So I gave a brief synopsis.  When asked where I met this particular guy, I told them.  I have no embarrassment of being an online dater, I wouldn't call it my favorite way of meeting people, the most effective, and I won't say it's better than meeting people organically (offline), but apparently, what I think doesn't matter much.
The guys in the room immediately started making fun of online dating, putting it down, and asking why I would even do it in the first place.  Now, bear in mind that these are people in my singles ward, typically a place where singles are encouraged to date one another.  Being the frank/blunt person that I am, I put it simply that our ward is too small, and there isn't really anyone I'd date anyway (is that rude?  oh well), I also work in a department that doesn't help my situation either, so I resort to online dating as my sole means of meeting people. 
Is it ideal?  No.
Am I doing what I can to put myself "out there"?  Yes

And that's all that matters.


Clang! Clang! Clang! Went the trolley...

I'm "watching" Meet Me in St. Louis right now, and can't help but laugh at the silly relationship foibles that are contained therein.  Granted, I know that they are there for comedic relief, but it is also good for people to avoid some of these actions.

1. Do not obsess over people you don't actually know
2. Do not tell someone they smell like your grandmother....or your grandfather...or your aunt, uncle, father or mother...just stay away from familial references
3. Do not sing love songs in public, and then be shocked when the person you're singing about happens to be right there when you turn around...that's just how karma works
4. Do not bite, kick or hit your intended.  It gives the wrong impression...
5. Do not "make up your mind" that you're going to "let" someone kiss you, and then be bitterly disappointed when they don't do it, unless you previously told them you would let them kiss you, in which case, you can be mildly disappointed
6. Do not forget proper decorum, propriety and good sense in your relationships

Silly people....yes, that means you, Judy Garland.