

Have you ever checked the "Traffic Sources" in your blog stats?

Normally this section shows me that Kelly, my mom, my sister and some random guy in Russia have been to my blog.  Normal, believable traffic sources.

What I'm now wondering (and will not investigate to find out the reason...) is WHY there are 2 porn sites listed as traffic sources.  This is the first time in the 5 years I have had this blog that I have noticed that.  Granted, I don't check it that often.  Heck, I don't even write in it that often.  I'm sure they quickly realized there was nothing to get excited about here.

Procrastination, party of one?

I have basically been the biggest procrastinator during this current term of school.  Horrible. Awful. Laaaazy.
It all started when I took a term break so that I could go to Switzerland and France and not have to worry about school, or missing a month of school time.  Unfortunately, when I did start classes (November), my mentor was now on maternity leave and her replacement and I...let's just say we didn't get along. At all.

Then there were the holidays.  Normally, I have about a month and a half of plugging away at school work before the holidays rear their head, not so much this time because I took that stupid term break.

And so it doesn't sound like I am trying to blame everything on outside forces, I have been lazy. L.A.Z.Y. I ain't got no alibi. The last thing I have wanted to do is sit down and study accounting.  Or write a business research paper about compensation benefits, or create a marketing plan for a product I do not care about.

So basically, I didn't do any school work for...about 3 months!  I know!  I'm horrible!  I did look at things, knew what I needed to do and promptly avoided it.  Yay me (not proud of myself, I promise...that was ALL sarcasm). So now, here I am.  One failed attempt at an accounting exam under my belt, a study guide in place for accounting, a paper to write and a marketing plan to create.

Have I mentioned that my term ends in April?

Yeah, this'll be fun.

Procrastinators unite! .....Tomorrow.


The perils of long(ish) distance dating

I know that many people would not consider a 2 hour drive a legitimate long-distance relationship qualifying distance (does that sentence even make sense?).  I know it pales in comparison to cross-country and military separations, but since that is not the case for me.....aaaand since this is my blog, I'm going to say it qualifies.  I figure since T and I live in different states, it definitely qualifies.

To start off, I never thought I would ever date someone who lived in a different state than me.  I constantly get the question "how ever did you guys meet since you live so far apart?".  I find it interesting that no one readily recalls the fact that we live in a world ruled by the internet and that online dating is a significant part of our culture, but whatever.  Back to the point.  Due to the distance and the fact that we both have our individual jobs and responsibilities, we only manage to physically see each other once every two weeks or so (this has been the case for the last 2 months or so...we saw each other more frequently at the onset of our relationship....that whole relationship building thing...kinda important)

Below are some pros and cons I have discovered about dating long-distance:

Pro: It is always ridiculously exciting when we get to see each other for 24 hours or more at a time
Con: There is usually about 336 hours between our visits

Pro: Long leisurely drives up to Idaho (for me) or down to Utah (for him)
Con: Drives including snow, ice and stupid drivers

Pro: Being completely content just sitting and doing nothing because we just want to be together
Con: Doing nothing because we're so content just being together makes us sound really boring when people ask us what we did over the weekend

Pro: Lots of movie watching due to the above...
Con: T owns like 12 movies....boy movies (There isn't much to do in Blackfoot...and Layton is boring)

Pro: My phone blows up with text messages...99% from T
Con: T is not into e-mailing or Facebook (I'm actually okay with the Facebook one, but he keeps bringing it up) and neither one of us really likes talking on the phone

Pro: Distance allows us to keep a fairly untainted image of each other
Con: That could cause a rude awakening at some point

Pro: I get giddy when we actually have a telephone conversation and I get to hear T's voice
Con: Those conversations are rare...and sometimes make me nervous (Not much is scarier than a text message that says "I have something I need to tell you, Can I call you?" from a telephobe)

Pro: We spend a good amount of time talking and getting to know each other when we're together
Con: We have pretty superficial conversations when we aren't together (there are some exceptions to this one)

Pro: Space in a relationship is good. You still have your own interests and obligations to pursue without feeling bad for "neglecting" your significant other
Con: Space isn't everything

In case you haven't noticed, I miss T.  Which is kinda funny considering he was here this weekend and only left me a few hours ago.  It's probably the fact that I know I won't see him again for 2 weeks....I've learned to love and hate weekends all at the same time. Thank heaven for unlimited texting!