
Moab or Bust

I am heading down to Moab tomorrow morning. Be jealous.

My mom and I are going to go camping down south for the next 6 days.  There will be hiking, rafting, horseback riding, sunburning (because face it, it isn't really tanning), driving, exploring and all around vacation goodness.

This one time...

...at the repair shop, I took in The Justy (as my car is affectionately called) for a routine oil change.  What I didn't realize, was that in addition to watching more ESPN than I ever want to again, reading Good Housekeeping magazine and carefully avoiding eye contact with the guy sitting opposite me, was that I would also have the privilege of being informed that The Justy is having a couple of problems.  Expensive problems.

One of said problems is that at least 2 of the tires need to be replaced, one more so than the other, but both need to be replaced.

Perfect timing!  I mean, it's not like I'm going out of town or anythi....oh wait, that's right, I AM going out of town. Tomorrow.

Thankfully, the lovely Kelly was willing to bus me to and from the repair shop today so I could get 1 of the tires replaced.  Yes, I am poor, so I only had them replace 1 of the tires.  I have a feeling that before the summer is over, Burt Brothers will be able to afford a really nice display of tires from all the money I will be sending their way.

I guess it's better than in the days where people rode horses for their main mode of transport, when one of those died, you couldn't take it to a repair shop and get it working again.  At least not easily.


Save the Drama for your Mama

[drah-muh, dram-uh]
a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue orpantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character,especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play.
the branch of literature having such compositions as itssubject; dramatic art or representation.
the art dealing with the writing and production of plays.

That is the definition of "drama" that I have always known and understood.  I have performed in numerous theatrical performances, and even took a "Playscript Analysis" course in college (I do not recommend that by the way).  And while I have been immersed in the world of drama for a good portion of my life, I have been shocked to discover that I have recently been thrust into a seemingly alternate reality...the other world of drama.

[drah-muh, dram-uh]
A way of relating to the world in which a person consistently overreacts to or greatly exaggerates the importance of benign events.

Typically "drama" is used by people who are chronically bored or those who seek attention.

People who engage in "drama" will usually attempt to drag other people into their dramatic state, as a way of gaining attention or making their own lives more exciting.

Common warning signs/ risk factors of drama or a dramatic person are:

1.    Having one supposedly serious problem after another.

2.    Constantly telling other people about one's problems.

3.    Extreme emotionality or frequently shifting, intense emotions.

4.    Claiming to have experienced negative events that are highly implausible.

5.    A boring job or mundane life.

6.    Making claims without sufficient evidence or a lack of detail about supposedly serious events.

7.    A pattern of irrational behavior and reactions to everyday problems.


Where'd you get that?

I love reconnecting.
This afternoon, I got to spend some time with Heidi & Rumel while they were down in Salt Lake.  We realized (well, actually, Heidi realized, because my memory is pretty shoddy) that we haven't actually, physically seen each other in almost a year.  A whole year.  This is completely unacceptable.
We met for lunch, and I'm glad I made the decision early in the day to just cut out of work early instead of going back, because we spent 3 hours catching up.
They're doing great, happily married up in Idaho, figuring their lives out.  It is hard to believe that they have been married for 3 years now.  I remember sitting up with Heidi, talking about boys and how stupid they are (some of the sentiment remains true), laughing together, going to activities, playing games, going shooting, driving around aimlessly and just being us.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that it was all so long ago.  I've lived in Salt Lake for 4 1/2 years.  That's slightly more than half the time I've lived in Utah.  And Heidi was there almost from the get-go (give or take 6 months at the beginning), we clicked pretty quickly, and a large part of who I am today is because of her influence.
She is a strong, courageous, intelligent, spiritual, talented and sassy individual, and I hope to someday have more of those qualities in my own repertoire.

Though I probably don't need any more sass.


Previously on "Yays and Nays"


Absolutely GORGEOUS weather
Walking to work
Catching on at my new job
Reading in the park
Meeting new people
Human-Wheelbarrow races
Portable fans
Seeing family
Watching old childhood favorites
Making up recipes and having them work out
Being loved for my sassiness
Going to the Temple
Belting out random songs in my living room
Rereading good books
Having the shelf in the hall closet fixed
Staying up late talking to the roomie
Getting around to doing my science experiment
Listening to "oldies"
Making the tires on my car squeal
Seeing friends I haven't in a long time
The ever-adorable James and a lively game of Hi-Ho Cherry-O
Hugs from Lillian...even though she still can't decide if she likes me or not
Engagement stories  (Congrats, Steph and Greg!)
Silly YouTube videos
Freshly cut grass
Doing classy, classy things


Getting flipped off
Having the key to my car get stuck in the lock
The park I normally go to getting flooded...majorly
Discovering that funny sensation on my arm is from a spider running across it
Rushing because I'm late to work, only to get there and discover I'm half an hour early
Having to go back and do my old job
Not knowing what is going on
Mosquito bites
Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal
Being broke
Having to do my science experiment
A temperamental refrigerator
Perfect motorcycle weather, and no motorcycle
Being lonely
Bad accents
3 spiders in 2 days


Forever Plaid

I went to see a play entitled "Forever Plaid" tonight.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this particular play (which included me up until this evening), it centers around a little-known quartet from the 60's, who all die in a car accident the night of their first big performance.   They then get a chance to come back to Earth to perform one last time, which is where we come in.

I have a friend who was playing one of the foursome, so I thought I would lend my support, and give myself a CB night all in one.

The play turned out to be one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed.  The comedic timing was perfect, and the songs that they sang were amazing...and hilarious...amazingly hilarious.  I was having a ball watching this group do their thing, walk into the audience, even dancing with a few people.

By the time intermission rolled around, I knew I had a favorite on my hands.  I don't remember the last time I laughed so much during a play, and the second half was sure to be just as delightful as the first.  They came back onstage, with a fun rendition of "Heart & Soul", and then began asking audience members if they knew how to play either the top-hand or the bottom-hand of the piece.  There were a few people who raised their hands, and one eager gal was sitting right in front of me.  I saw my friend Ricky coming through the crowd toward her, but to my dismay and Ricky's delight, he didn't choose my eager friend in front of me, but ME!  The girl who had distinctly NOT raised her hand!  I was summarily dragged on stage, and placed in front of the piano.  Fortunately, I do happen to know this little ditty, and so I played along....and so did they.

I got my time in the spotlight with a lovely little bit of piano playing, a dance, awarding of a certificate and...plaid dental floss.

Each time I tried to make way back to my seat, they stopped me and gave me something else.  It really was quite entertaining, I am sure.

Normally, things like that do not happen to me.

I also normally do my hair in the morning.  (Today, I did not).

I also normally fix my make-up before I leave the house.  (Today, I did not).

Let this be a lesson to me....You never know what's coming, so make sure you're prepared.


Top o' the Mornin'

It's weird to think that this week is almost over....and that it's June.

So far this week, I have done 17 transfer evaluations, completed task 2-3 for school, went to the Temple, went to dinner with friends, watched silly YouTube videos-courtesy of my coworkers, had a few weird dreams, made some curry (which wasn't as good as normal, but I can work on it), got a tattoo (don't worry mom, it's stick-on), danced in the kitchen, got showtunes stuck in my head, saw beautiful sunsets, walked to work, laughed so hard I cried, started reading another book and organized part of my room.

Not too shabby if you ask me.

Still to come, I have one more day of work, a vocal audition, a movie in the park with friends, plant shopping and the hope of sleeping in.

I have been loving how gorgeous the weather has been for the most part recently.  Admittedly, there have been a few times each day when I fear the weather has turned for the worst, but it generally clears up and the sun shines through.  I love waking up with the sun streaming through my window and hearing the birds chirp (I just wish it didn't do it at 5:30 in the morning).


Happening now

I have been in my new job for exactly one week today.

I am so much happier than I was in my old position!  I'm catching on pretty well, and feel fairly confident that this will be a good fit for me for the next while.

On another, non-related note, I am almost done with my science class (woot)!