
Blue Monday

I would like to apologize to those of you who as of late, have asked me questions and merely recieved a blank stare, confused look, or absolutely nothing at all from me. I have been out-of-commission for about the last week or so with a very annoying cold. Most of it is gone now with the exception of some sniffles and the fact that I can't hear very well because my ears are plugged. I'd like to thanks my roommate Christine for pumping me with liquids and for trying in vain to get me to drink that horrible Theraflu. No offense Christine, I appreciate it, but I still maintain that it tastes like fromaldehyde.

On a much happier note, one of my classes ends in two weeks which makes me very very happy! And suprisingly, when I forgot all about the mid-term and just happened to stumble into class, completely out of it and coughing my brains out, I still got to take the thing and even did better than a lot of the other students who actually studied. Ironic.

And I'm going to toot my own horn here and let you know that I made pot roast yesterday and it was some dang good stuff! I'll never tell myself I can't cook again. Well....that's probably not true, but oh well.


Kelly said...

Why is it a blue monday? you seem rather chipper!

Anonymous said...

Blue Monday is the title of a New Order song...