
My Heap of Metal

My life flashed before my eyes today while on my way to Ikea.

Yes. Ikea.

Colby, Kelly and I all happened to have the day off today and we decided to drive down to Ikea for some things each of us needed. It had started to snow this morning, making the drive a little more eventful than usual. It actually wasn't that bad though. Sometimes it was a little harder to see than others, but generally only when we were behind another car that was spewing slush up into my windshield. Luckily I was able to get into the mostly unused carpool lane and all was well.

Kelly had just made a comment about how she was glad I was willing to drive in snowy conditions because she doesn't like to. I replied that I didn't mind and that it merely comes down to the point that I don't freak out when it snows, which gets drivers into trouble.

As luck would have it, not too much later, I hit some black ice which caused my car to fish-tail. I tried my best to correct it, but the car still couldn't get any traction. The car then turned 180 degrees, pointing us toward oncoming traffic.

Kelly started screaming. I tried my best to stay calm and keep a cool head.

In the lane next to us, which we were quickly sliding into, was a semi truck. A semi truck whose trailer ran over the back seat behind me and the trunk, it also smashed my back window open. At this moment, I knew Colby, who was in the backseat, had to have been dead. Had to be.

The momentum from being released from the semi's iron grasp sent us spinning into the next lane where we were hit by a Yukon. Spinning again, we went through the next lane and came to a jolting stop by crashing into the embankment.

My heart started beating again and I looked around frantically trying to assess the damage and to...well...frankly to do a body count and see how many people I'd killed.

Aside from being terrified, Kelly was fine. Colby I found out, was still alive and was more concerned with our safety. None of us had a mark on us. Amazing.

I managed to open my door enough so I could get out and called the police. The semi and Yukon drivers got out of their vehicles and we learned they were all right too. My car however, was completely trashed. Of course, if anyone's car had to be totaled, I'm glad it was mine, not anyone elses.

I'm glad to know that in the heat of the moment, I can keep a very cool head and remain calm for as long as I need to. Unfortunately, after all the necessary calls had been made and papers taken out, I had a moment to process things, break down, get shaky and nearly pass out.

So after getting checked by the EMT's (a highly exciting experience), filling out the accident report, and finaly being picked up by Kelly's dad, I could laugh about how ironic it was that my car payment happened to be due today. That's what you call karma.

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