

You know that feeling when you're sitting in front of your computer, "working" or "studying" or "getting stuff done" and what you're really doing is clicking around on Facebook trying to figure out if anyone has done anything interesting in the 5 minutes since the last time you checked?

Yeah...me either.

That, my friends, is a bold-faced lie. BOLD-FACED.

A few months ago (I think it was September), I took a break from Facebook for a few weeks, and while I missed out on a few get-togethers, I didn't really miss anything during that time.

So why do I compulsively check Facebook throughout the day?!?

I can only chalk it up to the fact that I am desperately alone all day long.  No human interaction.   I crave the interaction...flimsy and fake though it is via Facebook.

But I don't want to be that person.  That hopeless teeny-bopper who cannot go without Facebook for more than a day.

So what did I do to resolve this issue?  Because we know that in the past, I made the break, and then came running back soon thereafter.  And I don't want to delete my account because there are a lot of pictures I want to keep, and I may want to resurface and frolic in Facebook land once more.

I did the only logical thing I could think of.

I upped my privacy settings, and restricted EVERYONE.  That is right.  No one can see anything of mine anymore unless they personally posted it, or unless it's something silly like a notification that I changed my profile picture.

How does this help me?

Knowing that no one can see anything I post on Facebook makes me....wait for it....not want to post on Facebook, so I don't.  Madness? possibly.  But there is a method to it.

Granted, I still get on and look at my friends' cute baby pictures, and whatnot, but by not checking it all day long, I realize how much of what people post is really trite, meaningless drivel.  And I mean that in the best possible way.

So I apologize if my Facebook page was one you frequented, and now you must find someone else's pictures to laugh at, but I think this is good for me.  And now I'll just have to blog more, like my mother tells me to.


Megan is Chuck. Chuck is Megan. said...

I did the same thing... only because of stupid family drama. At least I'll still have your blog ;)

Stephanie said...

I feel the EXACT same way about FB! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.