
We have ducks for neighbors

First off, Blogger has changed its format for composing posts, and it threw me off.

Secondly, Kelly and I are officially moved into our new apartment!  Yay!  Not that we don't still have a number of things still sitting in our old apartment waiting to be brought to their new home, but let's not focus on that.  We still have to clean our old apartment as well...but let's not focus on that either.

The new apartment is good, though it's taking a bit trying to adjust to the smaller size, figure out where to put everything, and not go crazy in the process.  One room gets situated, only to have empty boxes thrown into it while trying to get another room set up.  I've decided that my bedroom is going to be the last beast that I tackle, largely due to the fact that I have things scattered around the apartment in various boxes that have yet to be identified.

BUT...we have a washer and a dryer!  Can we insert an excited, happy dance here please?  They were set up today just as I was getting off work, and I was thrilled!

Hopefully things will calm down and we can get completely settled soon.  Here's hoping!

Oh...and there are ducks that live on the property. And apparently its mating season...yikes!

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