
Nothing to do with Margaret Thatcher

I am SO good at putting off my homework!  In my defense, I abhor economics, and that is really what I am avoiding.  I currently have to write a number of essays on certain subjects, and after a while, my brain begins to hurt, trying to word everything in a way so that not only does it make sense to the person who will grade it (they all understand economics), but so that I don't confuse myself any more than I already am on the subject.

In other news, I received a promotion at work a little over a week ago.  And by "promotion", I mean that I now have more responsibility with no increase in pay.  My company does do raises in July, so hopefully I will get a little bit more than the normal increase.  So far, the transition has been a little frustrating...there is a system I am supposed to use for my job, that hadn't worked until last Thursday, and I became thoroughly confused and had to have my co-team lead talk me through my frustration.  Hopefully it will be good.  I was enjoying not being in a supervisory position for once, but apparently that's not a privilege I am meant to enjoy....since I can't recall not being in one for a period of more than a year.  C'est la vie.

Our apartment looks so much better now!  Boxes have been emptied and removed, things may not be in their permanent place, but they are at least put away somewhere, which is a HUGE accomplishment!

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