

You know what is great about having your own personal cheerleader?
You always have someone who believes in you.
Even if your ideas are a little "out there".

I've been dating an amazing guy for a couple months now, I'll refer to him as T, if and when I refer to him.
He is such a great guy, the male version of me with a few exceptions, one being that he is the extrovert to my introvert.  New relationships are fun because both people tend to have a pair of rose-colored glasses on for a while.  Personally, I tend to remove my rose-colored glasses pretty early on in a relationship, but T still has his in place.  As such, he thinks I am incredible, hilarious, artistic and can basically do anything.

That being said, when I told T that I was contemplating (and have been contemplating for a while) writing some children's stories, his response was immediate, "You absolutely should, you'd be great at that".

Let me give a little background on my foray into writing.

I am NOT a writer.

How'd you enjoy your foray?  That's basically all I've got for you.

I promise I am not completely crazy.  I have been thinking about this for a long time.  I have an online journal with ideas and background on characters.

I do not, however, know if this will actually come to fruition.

But if it does, I can thank my cheerleader for encouraging me.

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