
Stupid people

Oh heavens...

So I have lived here in Idaho for more than a year now.  When I first moved here, I was often worried that I might run into my ex, and would slightly freak out whenever I saw a car of the same make and model as his, but thankfully, I never had the misfortune of bumping into him.

So today when I went to the grocery store, and snuck into an elusive parking spot before another car could, I happened to notice it was the same make and model as the ex's...but then, I also happened to notice that the person driving said car looked an awful lot like the ex (cue stomach drop...).

My fear/disgust/annoyance (insert negative emotion of choice here...) was confirmed when I was walking up to the check stand and did indeed verify that the ex and one of his sons were checking out themselves.

Not something I wanted from this (til this point) perfectly lovely Monday, but I survived...though I did do a bit of Orange Juice binge drinking when I got home.

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