
This one's for you...you know who you are

You put up with my crazy habits
Smile at my idiosyncrasies
Listen when I need to vent
Laugh with me, even when I'm not actually funny
Understand where the "crazy" comes from
Shake your head at my asinine comments
Stand up for me when I can't find the words
Encourage me to see things in a different way
Challenge my way of thinking
Finish my sentences

And still I manage to take you for granted and inadvertently say things that are hurtful, and sometimes just plain rude.  I am sorry.  I really am so grateful to have you as a key player in my psychotic game of life.  I'll be more aware of how the things I say make you feel next time.

This is for all those times.  All those times I was too stupid to apologize.  When I knew I'd hurt you, and said nothing.  This is for you.

1 comment:

Jenelle said...

Thank you, Lis. Except I didn't know I could finish your sentences. :o)