
Take that

I recently took some flack for being on E-Harmony.
We had a bunch of people over at our house for FHE on Monday, and someone asked me to elaborate on a Facebook status I had posted last week about my really, really short date (less than an hour).
So I gave a brief synopsis.  When asked where I met this particular guy, I told them.  I have no embarrassment of being an online dater, I wouldn't call it my favorite way of meeting people, the most effective, and I won't say it's better than meeting people organically (offline), but apparently, what I think doesn't matter much.
The guys in the room immediately started making fun of online dating, putting it down, and asking why I would even do it in the first place.  Now, bear in mind that these are people in my singles ward, typically a place where singles are encouraged to date one another.  Being the frank/blunt person that I am, I put it simply that our ward is too small, and there isn't really anyone I'd date anyway (is that rude?  oh well), I also work in a department that doesn't help my situation either, so I resort to online dating as my sole means of meeting people. 
Is it ideal?  No.
Am I doing what I can to put myself "out there"?  Yes

And that's all that matters.

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