
Under the radar

I have always been pretty active within my singles wards.  I go to activities, participate in lessons, organize get-togethers, and have done a musical number or two.  Until my last ward anyway.  I did not get involved in my last ward...at all, and I was okay with it.  I figured that I needed a break from being the social figure that I had been in all my previous wards, and since I was not looking to date anyone, I didn't need to go to activities and mingle with the college freshmen.

When I met with my Bishop before I moved, he told me that I wasn't allowed to fly "under the radar" in my new ward.  So I decided I wouldn't.  I already knew that I wouldn't since I needed to make new friends and all.

I decided that I would be outgoing, go to activities again, participate when I could, and just get back to being the old me.  So far, so good.

I got a call last Sunday asking me to meet with the Bishop, and I figured that a calling was coming my way.  Totally great, just another way to get involved.

I entered the Bishop's office, sat down and we chit-chatted for a second before he told me that they'd like to extend me a calling, which I said would be great!  Then came the words, "We'd like to call you to be the First Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency...".

Excuse me, what?

I just moved here!  I've been in the area for just over 2 weeks!  I don't know anybody! How did this happen?

My actual response was something like, "Uh...really?"

I guess this is what comes of becoming friends with the RS President...

Bonus: We all get to speak next Sunday in Sacrament Meeting...on obedience

Touche Karma, touche.

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