
Time Warp

Last night, Bruce and I went to the drive-in to see "Maleficent".

When we arrived at the theater, there was already a queue of cars waiting for the moment they would be allowed entrance, so we lined up behind them and waited.

Bruce downloaded 2 Rayman games to his PS Vita (a handheld playstation device thingy...like a gameboy...but newer...and I'm just making myself sound like an idiot, aren't I?...anyway...) and let me play it while we waited.

I haven't played that game in years.  YEARS!  And while I died many times...many, many times... I had fun with it, and can see myself absconding with the contraption in the future so I can play again.

As for the movie, it was really good!

I have never really been a fan of Angelina Jolie (which, is kinda funny when you consider I've only ever seen her in 1 1/2 things...ever), but she was amazing in this movie.  I recommend that you, your closest friend, and your favorite grocery clerk go see this flick.

Just do it.

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