
Yays and Nays: April Edition

This week's edition of "yays and nays" is brought to you by the letter "C".

As in; crazy, cookies, cars and crabgrass.

This list is likely to include things that occurred within the past 2(ish) weeks or so...but I could be wrong...I'm just the one making the list.


We got Cooper's name tag engraved with his name and our phone number, just in case the little rascal decides to play hide-n-seek...without our knowledge.

Bruce got his leaky tire repaired for free!  We like free...

We got an awesome apartment that we applied for, and are actually excited about moving now!

I passed my last class with flying colors (just my capstone to go!)

Bruce got a B+ on one of his exams, which is always a fun feat.

We went on our first picnic together this past Saturday (not sure how we've never done that before)

We also walked around the Greenbelt on Sunday before dinner, savoring the awesome weather we've been having.

We had John, Annake and Jack over for dinner tonight, a spur of the moment deal that was fun.


Registration for Bruce's Fall Semester turned out to be a pain in the patella...seriously annoying.

I have had a lot of pretty bad work drama...it's not fully resolved yet, but something is in the works.

We turned out to be the catalyst for Jack getting a ferocious cut on his finger this evening...little fingers bleed a lot!

We both bawled our eyes out while watching "Up" this week...not our finest moment.

We haven't figured out how to get Cooper to effectively stop biting...

As always the Yays outweigh the Nays, which is always a good thing.  We're alive, happy, and moving on to good things.

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