
Yet Again...

I have this nasty habit of moving each and every year.  So I was super excited when Bruce and I decided that we would likely be staying right where we are until he is done with school and finds a good job in his field.

Except... that didn't really pan out.

As much as neither one of us want to, we have decided that the best decision for our little family is to move to Pocatello until he is done with school, since his remaining classes need to be taken at certain times and days, requiring excess travel and expense if we were to stay here in Idaho Falls.

Living in Pocatello is something that we both have little desire to do, and we will miss the friends we have made here in our ward, but we know that we will succeed and that we'll do great as long as we're together.

Now if we can just find a pet-friendly apartment!  Which is turning out to be tougher than it seems!

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