
In the face of danger

I have one of those faces.

You know, the ones where someone looks so familiar and you can't quite place from where.
Or the face that you could swear sat behind you in that Advanced Campus Wildlife class in college.
Or the face of that distant cousin you can't quite remember the name of.

Yep. I have one of them.

Almost daily, I have someone come up to me and say something like,

"Did you go to school down in Delta?"
"Are you sure?"
Am I sure? Of course I'm sure! How would I forget something like that?
"Yes...quite sure"


"You look exactly like my.....neice, probation officer, therapist, cousin, husband's sister-in-law, pharmacist, bus driver, best friend's sister", go ahead and pick your favorite one, I've gotten them all.

People often confuse me for my roommate. With this particular mix-up, we've decided it's because of my face. She has the original and I have the copy-cat because she doesn't get the "I know you!" comments. I'm so unoriginal.

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