
North Bend

So I was talking to a friend the other day, and it has been mentioned that I don't really like to talk about myself. I don't. Which got me to thinking about myself, my life, my home town and whatnot, yeah...now it's all about me! Just kidding, I still don't like talking about myself.

But it made me remember so many good times from back home. Sights, and sounds that I had forgotten. Riding my bike into town to go to the RiteAid next to QFC, and when QFC used to be called ShopRite. The baseball fields next to the elementary school where I watched my brothers play their little league games, the HUGE blackberry bushes that seemed to grow everywhere and take over everything. When they tore down the golf course to build the Si View development. The park up in Wilderness Rim, Brewster lake, Rattlesnake Lake/Ridge, the water shed, The outlet mall, when they built the Safeway, playing in the woods, playing tag or other games with the crazy neighborhood kids, the treehouse at the Martinell's, Mitzel's before it became Denny's, the barn on the way to Snoqualmie where the Senior class always painted their year, playing down by the river, tubing down the river, swimming at the pool, my softball games, voice lessons at the Edvalson's, riding my bike to Opstad Elementary, Dead Man's Hill, the bus stop, Scavenger hunts, the easter egg hunts up at the park, and finding eggs months later, catching tadpoles, The MarT cafe, the old movie theatre, when the library was in that old building across the street from where it is now, working on the homecoming float, volleyball practice, working out in the weight room, playing under the bleachers, having classes upstairs, the Milk Barn, the train station and the bowling alley, driving to Issaquah to go to Target for school shopping.

I know none of this makes any sense to any of you, but it was so good to remember these things, it makes me really want to go back and visit, it has been 7 years since I've been there, and I know things probably don't look the same anymore, but I think it would be fun to go back.

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