
Oh yeah

Okay, we didn't actually get around to going to the IMAX thing, delayed until further notice. I DID however get the opportunity to go to General Conference for the very first time. Very exciting, granted you end up watching it on the TV screens, just like you do at home, but we don't have TV, so it totally beat out listening on the radio. Really, it was really neat to be there, and I ended up seeing a girl I grew up with from Washington that I hadn't seen in seriously like 7 years. Good times.

Last night I was kinda bored, I had read a few chapters in my book, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and really just needed to do something, get out of the house, anything. So I went for a walk. Anyone who really knows me will tell you that this is no new thing, I walk everywhere. When I lived up in Logan, I would walk to the temple (a couple miles away), Smithfield (a couple towns over), I walk a lot. I really don't plan out where I walk to or for how long, I just go.

So I set out from my apartment and headed east, I usually go west, I decided to be different. I walked down 3rd avenue, past all the letters in the alphabet, up into Federal Heights, I saw some really really big houses, some small, seemingly out-of-place houses, modern ones, victorian ones, 70's ones, giant ones that resembled those you see in movies at Christmastime, all sorts of houses...you get the picture. The weather wasn't too bad when I'd left, slightly crisp so I had a coat, but not bad considering it had snowed earlier that day.

The higher I got into Federal Heights, the colder it got. And soon I realized it was snowing. great. Oh well, I kept going. A car stopped and asked me directions to some building at the University, unfortunately, I had no clue as to which one it was and couldn't help them. I rounded a bend in the road and looked to my left. I was kind of surprised when I saw the University Medical Center standing there bold as can be. I didn't realize I was quite this far east. I did get a pretty awesome view of the valley, so that was nice, but I decided to head back in the direction of home. I wandered down through more neighborhoods with more intense houses and somehow connected back to 3rd avenue without realizing it. I looked at my phone for the time (I don't wear a watch...that's another story) and saw that it had only taken me about half an hour or so to get there, I felt pretty cool. Then I realized that the "coolness" was probably just the fact that I was freezing out in the falling snow. I'm brilliant.

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