
Fast Food

I was ravenous!

Here it was, 9:45pm, and I hadn't eaten since noon.

I had an angry animal growling in my stomach.

I drove down the road in an unfamiliar area trying to survey my food options.  They were pretty dismal.  On the left we had KFC, which is not something I enjoy eating.  On the right we had McDonald's, an establishment I have not graced in over 10 years and I'm not about to start now.  And up ahead we had TacoBell.  I think I went to a TacoBell once...I was maybe 11 or 12...it clearly left a big impression.

So I broke down and went to TacoBell.  It seemed like the lesser of the evils.  I have friends who LOVE TacoBell...or Taco Time...I frankly don't know the difference except that one has a cactus and the other has a bell.

The angry animal was getting angrier.

So I silenced it with a burrito.

Aside from silencing the beast, I have nothing good to report about TacoBell.  It was not tasty.  I have clearly not been missing out on anything in the last 15 years, which is good, because really, the fact that I don't eat fast food is something I am okay with maintaining.

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