
O Tannenbaum

Being the festive females that we are, Kelly and I purchased our Christmas tree the first weekend in December, looking forward to a long month of enjoying the beauty and splendor of the season through its twinkling lights and fresh pine smell that we both love so much.

We eagerly decorated it, placed gifts beneath it and reveled in the beauty that was ours to behold.

That is until time came slowly knocking on our door. Or, not necessarily our door, but on the tree trunk. Our lovely tree, though technically already dead, kicked the bucket. The branches sagged, the needles drooped and the whole thing became a crisp fire hazard. The bottom branches were now grazing the floor and the whole scene looked pretty sad and depressing.

So what does one do to remedy this tragedy?

Well I don't know about you, but I move the ornaments, garland and lights from the bottom branches up a few inches and lop those pesky twigs off!

The results were immediate. Although still very, crispy, droopy and slightly sad, taking off that bottom weight drastically improved the look of our tree. Which is good being that we hadn't quite made it to Christmas yet. :)

Moral of the story: Wait to buy your Christmas tree, even if you're excited.

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