
CB Hair

About a year ago I decided I was going to grow my hair out again.  I had cut it into a short a-line bob for about 9 months, and while it was cute, I missed being able to just wash-and-go.  So here I sat a year after the fact, and indeed, my hair was longer.  But not much.  For some reason, my hair decided it didn't want to grow long enough to actually touch my shoulders, just taunt them with their vague presence.

On my way home from work today, I made a command decision.

I chopped it again.

That's right ladies and gentlemen (are there even any gentlemen who read this thing?) I again have an a-line bob.  What can I say?  It suits!


Megan is Chuck. Chuck is Megan. said...

I want to see a picture!

Kelly said...

I feel really sad that I had to find this out from your blog...really, really sad. :(