

THIS is the Year of the Classy Broad.

Yes, you read that correctly.  The Year of the Classy Broad.  Which classy broad?  THIS classy broad. (Please don't be offended by the use of the word broad....I do not mean it in any sort of a negative way, it just rolls off the tongue a bit better than "dame" does, and "Year of the Classy 20-something" doesn't have the right ring to it)

Anyway, back to the point.

I decided last year (ever so long ago) that I wanted to mix things up a bit, in a good way, for myself.  I have gone through so many phases in my life; the cat lover (I may have actually thought I was a cat in my youth), the tomboy (this one lasted a LONG time), the actress (also lasted a long time, with some lingering effects), the girly girl (hard to believe, I know, but I did at one point own (and wear) a plethora of pink), the awkward "I'm trying to be girly but not quite doing it right because I don't want to be TOO girly" girl (those were some...interesting times), and the beauty you see before you (Why, Hello there!).  I am happy with who I turned out to be (really, who wouldn't be?  I can use my power drill while wearing 4 inch heels!) but I still feel the need to expand my horizons a bit in certain areas.

So this is the year!  This is the year that I try new things (I did it in past years too, so that's not really that big of a step), meet new people, dress up when I want to dress down, drink out of champagne flutes, use the fine china (if you'd like to buy me fine china, I wouldn't object), be gracious, smile at strangers, complain less, eat at classy restaurants, fall gracefully (because it is inevitable that I will fall), read more books, keep certain topics to myself, and hopefully reign in some of my sarcasm (this is a yearly effort...it's apparently going very well).

There you have it, the Year of the Classy Broad.  Feel free to join me (but you have to bring your own cheese)

(sorry about all the parenthetical thoughts....including this one.  Add that to the list)


Megan is Chuck. Chuck is Megan. said...

I was wondering about YCB.

Jannifer said...

I love this post Lisa! I think you're classy!