
The end draws nigh

I have started this blog post 3 times now, so here's hoping I don't delete this entry as well.  Fingers crossed.

It occurred to me today that it's October.  And not just October, but the end of October.

I know, I know, I'm a bit slow on the uptake.  But it really isn't so much the fact that it's October that I noticed, I mean, really, I've clearly known that it was October this whole time, I'm not a complete moron... It's more the fact that the year is almost over.

And that to me is crazy.  The first 4 months of the year are a bit hazy in my memory, largely due to the fact that I wasn't completely happy...I made some poor decisions, had a fair bit of crap dealt to me, and I have mentally blocked most of it out.

Luckily, at the end of that time...actually, kind of in the midst of the crap-dealing, I made a decision that I do not regret at all.  I chose to move to Idaho.  Idaho?  I know, Idaho.  I never thought I'd live in Idaho, but I felt that it was the place I needed to go.  It wasn't even that I was only looking for places in Utah and Idaho either, I looked in Oregon, Colorado, Montana, and even Wyoming (yeah, I was getting desperate enough to look in Wyoming), but felt that Idaho was where I should go.

Even after things blew up in the relationship department (the day after I signed my lease), I could have chosen to move elsewhere, but I felt sure about Idaho.  More sure, in fact, than I had about my previous relationship.  And while the majority of the people around me questioned my decision...a lot, some even going so far as to question my sanity, I knew that for some reason, it was where I needed to go.

And here I am, 5 months later (seriously, time flies...), happy as a clam (assuming clams actually are happy), and wondering why I never considered Idaho before now.  The past 5 months have felt like a blur.  I've met a myriad of wonderful people, who I feel like I've known for years, and I have had some awesome adventures with them.

I'm excited to be an Idahoan for a while, though I'm anxious about the winter weather that is surely around the corner.  And I am excited for the upcoming holiday season and the end of the year, though I can't believe that it's so near.

And I'm pretty sure most of this post is incoherent owing to the fact that I should really be in bed.  So I shall bid you adieu until I get the urge to write again.

1 comment:

Jannifer said...

Hey Lisa, I just wanted to leave you a little note. While I do read your blog, I'm not always the best at commenting. But I just want you to know how happy I am that you are so happy. You really deserve it all!