
'Cuz that's not the least bit creepy...

It's no surprise that I have been exhausted lately (after all, I DO keep whining about it on this here blog...)

But it is a bit crazy to me just how quickly I can fall asleep these days.

I went over to Bruce's place after I got home from Utah today, and while we waited for the next session of General Conference to start, we put on an episode of "House".  And (according to Bruce), not 2 minutes went by before I was out like a light (I like to think that I was awake a bit longer than 2 minutes, but I digress...).  Apparently he had been talking to me, and he discovered I was asleep when I didn't respond to him.

The only downside to my sleeping is that I still get frequent nightmares.  I have had nightmares pretty regularly all of my life, some of them are recurring and I've had the same ones off and on since childhood, and others are just random, but most of them involve me trying to evade one or more individuals who are attempting to attack/kill me (pleasant, I know), and I have varying degrees of success.

Today's nightmare was no exception...much running, hiding, sleuthing and sneaking, but in the end, I couldn't get away.  I generally always wake up before I actually die in my dreams, but often not before a fatal blow is struck.  I think I have a seriously screwed up subconscious.

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