
Sometimes we're a little bizarre

Oddly, I have felt like I've been forgetting something all day today.  Like it's someone's birthday, anniversary, or some other significant event...and yet, nothing has manifested itself as being the "missing moment".

In a completely unrelated vein, I got to hang out with Christine this evening.

She called and asked me if I wanted to go get slushies at Sonic with her, and since I'm pretty sure I've only had a slushy once or twice in my life, and because I enjoy the heck out of her company, I of course said yes.

So we went and got the aforementioned slushies and then came back to my place for some very random (and slightly odd at times) conversation...until about 15 minutes ago when she headed home.  She is such a wonderful person, and I am going to miss seeing her often once I am no longer in the ward, she has seriously been one of the best people I have met since coming to Idaho.

So glad to have good, funny friends who appreciate my craziness.

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