

When I got back from Switzerland in April, I decided that instead of just throwing all of my pictures onto Facebook and then editing them 6 months later, that I would edit them FIRST and THEN make them available for your viewing pleasure.

This has resulted in...no photos on Facebook.  Until yesterday that is, when I decided that I didn't care anymore that all my photos hadn't been edited. Though I did only post those that have been edited, I realized that most people really don't care if I only put up a fraction of my photos (I've tried to refrain from posting everything I found interesting, and you would find not-so-interesting...like a plethora of doors and stairways I may have subjected you to last time...).

So, though I do still have plenty more photos that could be edited and posted, I feel good about the fact that it only took me a month and a half to get them out there.

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