

Bruce and I are anything but ordinary.

Our relationship has been (and is likely to continue to be) completely unique.

As such, we tend to do things in a less than traditional way...

Typically relationships go something like this:

Boy meets girl
Boy asks girl out
They go out
They decide to date exclusively
They fall in love
Boy buys a ring
Boy proposes to girl with aforementioned ring
Girl accepts
They tell their family and friends
Much happiness ensues

Our relationship has gone something like this:

Boy meets girl
Girl thinks boy is creepy
Girl avoids boy to the best of her ability for 2 months
Girl realizes boy isn't actually creepy...
Boy asks girl out
They go out
They decide to date exclusively
They fall in love (faster than either of them expected to)
Boy buys a ring (secretly)
They talk about marriage
They decide they are going to get married and consider themselves engaged
After a bit, they tell their family and friends
Boy shows the girl a picture of the aforementioned ring (which she loves!) which won't be ready til May
Much happiness ensues
More time passes
Boy formally proposes to girl
More happiness ensues

If you made it all the way to the end of that long and exhaustive episode, I commend you.

Anyway, Bruce formally proposed to me today.  I love him so much, he is truly the most amazing individual I have been fortunate enough to associate with.  He makes everything worth it, and I am beyond elated that I have the great fortune to become his wife in a little over 3 months.  I am so excited to start our adventure together and face the challenges of life with him, and I know that we will be able to overcome anything if we work together.  I am so blessed to have this amazing man in my life and I am glad that our story is unique, that we don't have to follow any set plan for our relationship, and most of all, that he chose to be in my life, because I choose him each and every day, and I plan to do that again every day for the rest of my life.

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