
Tired with a cape...

I'm super tired.

I'll definitely be going to bed soon...hopefully sleep will not elude me for long.

Today was a busy day.  Bruce and I met with our wedding photographer this morning to pin down dates, themes, and other various details about our engagement and wedding photos...this is starting to get real, folks!

After that, Bruce and I went to the baptism of one of his cousins, so I met a good chunk of the clan which was fun, though I'll totally struggle to remember which names go with which faces.

After the baptism, we had some breathing time before we went to go see Mr. Peabody & Sherman, seriously funny, cute, well-worth-the-watch movie.  I recommend you enjoy it for yourself...like right now.

Once the movie was over, we headed over to his parents' house for a birthday dinner for his sister-in-law (who is rapidly becoming one of my favorite people ever), and I basically just got home from that...and I seriously need to sleep.  I've taken my meds for this silly grossness I've got going on, and I hope that I won't wake up any time before 9:00am (wishful thinking, I know).

Here goes nothing!

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