
Winging it

I am currently sitting on a plane, somewhere over southwest Idaho, heading toward Seattle.

I am not ashamed to admit that flying really isn't my favorite thing in the world.

Which should really come as no shock to anyone, I mean, have you seen me at amusement parks? On buses? Rock climbing? Hiking? Riding in cars?... Yeah, my body isn't too terribly kind to me when it comes to anything that throws off my equilibrium, which flying definitely does.

I haven't gotten sick yet, merely uncomfortable, so that is a BIG plus so far.

Now the trick will be to keep myself entertained for another hour or so until we land... I've already done 3 crossword puzzles, looked through my photos on my phone, listened to the complimentary in-flight music (which had a distinct Native American vibe to it), listened to the baby behind me wail, and narrowly avoided having the drink cart take my elbow off.

I'm voting ear plugs and a nap, who's with me?!

...pretty sure the guy next to me is up for it.


So...after writing the above bit on the plane, we hit some crazy turbulence...it was bad...really bad...and I lost it, about 5 times actually.

Gross, I know...I will spare you the nasty details.

But we landed and I found my sister and we got a chance to chat which was nice.

Now I'm going to bed, I'm sure the Swiss Misses will keep me on my toes tomorrow.

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