
A Quick Note

Today I got to help Heidi & Rumel move into their new apartment here in Idaho Falls.  It will be so fun having them close.  I don't think anyone realizes the kind of hijinx we can get up to when Heidi and I are together...need I mention the infamous prank war that went on for forEVER?

After returning home, I worked on some recipes and freezer meals so that I don't have to keep coming up with things to cook for a while.  My biggest issue with cooking is figuring out what to make and having the follow through of actually making it...so my freezer now has a plethora of new items awaiting use in the future, and my fridge has things for a few more I need to prepare sometime in the next week or so.

Tonight was also the night we celebrated Bruce's birthday with his familia.  We went to his parents' house for dinner, dessert, and as always, fun conversation.  Afterwards, Bruce, Jimmy, Sarah and I went back to the Batcave and watched "Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom", arguably my least favorite of the Indy flicks, but still has a number of great moments.

And now I'm ready for bed, my eyes are heavy.

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