
First day

Kelly and I stayed up way too late on New Years, we actually didn't get to bed until a little after 3:00am...which if you know either of us and our deep and abiding love of sleep, you know that's pretty insane.

Anyway, after about 6 hours of sleep, my body (and my dinging cell phone) decided that I had had enough sleep and that I should definitely start my day... My mind was less obliging, but it eventually caved and I got up to make waffles.

After breakfast and a shower, Kelly and I went to a movie and then got some lunch, after which Kelly made her way back to Utah before it got dark (always a smart move).

Later this evening, Bruce, Jimmy, Sarah and I went to dinner at this place called Rusio's, they do soup, salad and sandwiches, kind of like Zupas (which Kelly and I used to frequent a bit when we lived together).  After dinner, we went back to the Batcave (Bruce and Jimmy's apartment) and watched the newest episode of "Sherlock".  I am excited for the new episodes, I think the show is so brilliantly done.

Anyway, it was a good first day of the year, even though I spent a good chunk of it being exhausted.

Though I recently got my second wind...

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