

We're back from the cabin trip!

It was fun to get away for a little bit.  There was lots of junk food, which I was thankfully able to avoid for the most part, lots of talking, sledding, snowmobiling, laughing, cooking, and freezing our derrieres off.

I didn't sleep very well the first night, and both Bruce and I hit our social quotas on the second day, so we decided to come back that night rather than staying til the next morning.  This incidentally worked out rather well since I was then asked to fill in at ward council, and was the only member of the Relief Society Presidency in attendance at church today.

I do think that my favorite part of the weekend was when Bruce let me take the reigns of the snowmobile. I haven't driven one in 10 years or so, and it was fun to just take off at 70 mph...until I couldn't feel my face.

I will admit that I was all too happy to sleep in my own bed again though.

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