
Grown up, girl bonding time

I spent a good portion of the day thinking it was Friday, but alas...it was not.

I did however get to go to dinner with a friend tonight, and that was fun.  We met a couple months ago at church, and I've been meaning to get together with her outside of church for a while now, but life invariably has gotten in the way.  So this past Sunday I promised her that I'd touch base wither her this week and we'd go do something.  Well, once it was out there in the open, it forced me to actually follow through (fancy that), so we made plans to go to dinner.

We went to Pachangas, a Mexican place downtown, and every time I hear the name I think of the movie "Dirty Dancing"...but I digress.  From the moment we got in the car, we just kept talking, thankfully, she did most of the talking while I was driving (I don't know what it is, but I am not big on talking while I drive...I think I get too distracted), and we just kept going after we got to the restaurant.  Our waitress kept giving us looks as if to say, "Seriously, can't you two stop gabbing long enough to look at the dang menu and make a decision already?"

Anyway, I am so glad that we met up and went out, it's good to make new friends, and break the "Sunday Friends" barrier that sometimes happens with people you meet a church.  She's a lot of fun, and we have a lot in common and understand where the other person is coming from, which is nice because not everyone does.

So yay for girl bonding time!


Megan is Chuck. Chuck is Megan. said...

I remember our girl bonding time together - subway sandwiches in the park!

Anonymous said...

We had some pretty fun times, like our walk in the torrential down pour!